Quaint Community of Modern Craftsmans
The Smith family have owned their family homestead for decades, which includes four acres of land around the home and barn. The time had come for them to make some changes to their family estate, and they chose to add their four acres to the Cultivate Land Bank as a part of their process.
VP Rob Weston noticed the Smiths turn down offers from other developers who weren’t committed enough to bring cash to the table, so President Matt McCoy raised the necessary funds to meet their asking price. Rob also saw them struggle with developing the project on their own, because the permitting process can be incredibly burdensome. VP Ali Taysi does this sort of thing all day, every day, and got all the uncertainties figured out. A cash price with a short feasibility period is what the family wanted, and the Cultivate Land Bank delivered.
Rob has seen this time and time again: “Smaller developments can be tricky, because there’s so much less margin for error, “Everyone in the process has to work with great precision to ensure a project of this size successfully comes to market. The Smith chose us to buy their land, because they wanted to still live in their homestead and they wanted a developer they could trust throughout the process. Working in someone’s literal back yard adds another layer of challenge, so we took a very ‘hands on’ approach to this process. The Smith are still friends of mine..”